- Paying attention! Don't be distracted! Pay attention:
- As you walk across campus,
- As you get out of your car,
- To your exits and places to hide when you're in buildings - classrooms, offices, etc.,
- To the weather,
- To behavior or things that are out of place. If it doesn't feel right, or look right, it's NOT right!
- See Something, Say Something! What's the "something": it can be behavior or items. Don't explain it away! Don't be afraid to or wait for someone else to report.
- Having a plan (and options). When the time comes to implement it, evaluate your best option and then DO IT!
- Having emergency kits, including medications.
- Knowing where to get official information, such as ֱ Alert! Sign up for ֱ Alert modules: text messaging and phones calls!
- Activating the “Government Alerts” feature on your cell phone to receive real-time notifications, including tornado warnings.
- Seeking shelter/safety, then seeking further information, if you're not clear about the emergency situation.
- Having a family communication plan.
- Updating your emergency contact information within Banner (students) and Workday (employees) so that should there be a need, University officials can contact next of kin.